Heidenheimer Str. 5, 13467 Berlin 030 5321 3993 0178 6808080 info@burfeind-beratung.de

Psychische Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz




Psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung

    Managing the ability to work

    • You want to maintain your employees’ ability to work?
    • You want to sustainably promote and improve your employees’ health, competence and motivation?
    • You want to empower and support your managers and employees in dealing with stressful working conditions?
    • You want to improve teamwork?
    • Are you stressed yourself, and looking for advice and support?

    Organizational development

    Burfeind | Beratung supports you in planning and carrying out a psychosocial risk assessment according to the German Occupational Health and Safety Act, implementing occupational health measures, and reintegrating sick workers (BEM Psyche).

    Keynote-speaker and Presentations

    I’m your keynote speaker at your annual meetings, management retreats, leadership trainings, conferences, or staff meetings.

    Are you looking for a well-founded, concise and even entertaining presentation which will contribute to the success of your company’s event? Contact me, and I’ll be happy to support you.


    Nationwide, I give leadership trainings and work with your managers to lead in difficult work situations, to deal with mentally stressed employees, and to cope with conflicts at work.  Workshop topics

    Management Counselling and Individual Advice

    In my consultancy offices in Berlin or in your company, I offer individual advice to managers in difficult work situations, and in dealing with mentally stressed employees.


    I offer cross-company trainings on mental health and mental stress at work. All seminars are recognized as educational leave in Berlin.

    My work focuses on solving individual problems and promoting your individual strengths.

    My impression is that workers do want to do a good job, and are prepared to do a lot for it. Companies need to be supported in designing work in such a way as to preserve the health, competence and motivation of all employees.

    For more information see the following pages (in German) or contact me directly (contact). I look forward to hearing from your.
    Yours Carsten Burfeind, Berlin Infoflyer

    Über mich

    Burfeind | Beratung berät Sie zu allen Aspekten eines psychischen betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements, Ihrer Führungskräfteentwicklung und unterstützt Sie bei der Organisationsentwicklung.

    Ich führe psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilungen durch, biete Inhouse-Schulungen für Führungskräfte, Beschäftigte und betriebliche Akteure und berate Führungskräfte in schwierigen Führungssituationen.


    Carsten Burfeind, M.A.
    Burfeind | Beratung

    Heidenheimer Str. 5
    13467 Berlin
